No. Español 한국어 English
127 Disculpa 실례합니다! Excuse me!
128 De nada. 천만에요 You're welcome!
129 Es un placer conocerte. 만나서 반가워요 Nice to meet you!
130 ¿Me puedes ayudar? 저를 도와주실래요? Can you help me?
131 ¡Buenos días! 좋은 아침이에요 Good morning!
132 ¡Buenas tardes! 안녕하세요 Good afternoon!
133 ¡Buenas noches! 좋은 저녁 되세요 Good evening!
134 ¡Buenas noches! 잘 자요 Good night!
135 ¿Cómo estás? 어떻게 지냈어요? How are you?
136 Bien, gracias. 잘 지냈어요. 고마워요 Fine, thank you.
137 ¿Y tú? 당신은요? And you?
138 ¿Qué tiempo hace? 날씨가 어때요? How's the weather?
139 Hace buen día. 좋아요 It's nice.
140 Hace mal día. 나빠요 It's bad.
141 Hace calor. 더워요 It's hot.
142 Hace frío. 추워요 It's cold.
143 Yo también. 저도요 Me too.

[Tabla de contenido]



'Language/Spanish' 카테고리의 글 목록




No. Español 한국어 English
110 solo efectivo 현금만 가능 cash only
111 prohibido el paso 진입 금지 do not enter
112 Me he perdido. 저는 길을 잃었어요 I'm lost.
113 Estoy enferma. 저는 아파요 I'm sick.
114 izquierda 왼쪽 left
115 derecha 오른쪽 right
116 todo recto 직진 straight ahead
117 Para aquí. 여기에 멈춰주세요 Stop here!
118 ¿De dónde eres? 어디에서 왔어요? Where are you from?
119 yo soy de 저는 -에서 왔어요 I'm from
120 ¿Cómo te llamas? 이름이 뭐에요? What's your name?
121 Me llamo Alex. 저의 이름은 알렉스입니다. My name is Alex.
122 veinte 이십 twenty
123 treinta 삼십 thirty
124 cuarenta 사십 forty
125 cien hundred
126 mil thousand

[Tabla de contenido]



'Language/Spanish' 카테고리의 글 목록




No. Español 한국어 English
094 Tengo alergia a los cacahuetes. 저는 땅콩 알레르기가 있어요 I'm allergic to peanuts.
095 Estoy feliz. 저는 행복해요 I am happy.
096 ¿Lo entiendes? 이해했어요? Do you understand?
097 Demasiado caro. 너무 비싸요 Too expensive!
098 ¿Algo más? 다른 건 필요 없나요? Anything else?
099 No, eso es todo. 없어요, 그게 다에요. No, that's all.
100 uno one
101 dos two
102 tres three
103 cuatro four
104 cinco five
105 seis six
106 siete seven
107 ocho eight
108 nueve nine
109 diez ten

[Tabla de contenido]



'Language/Spanish' 카테고리의 글 목록




No. Español 한국어 English
078 adiós 안녕히 가세요 bye
079 Ningún problema. 문제없어요! No problem!
080 ¡Ese! 그거요! That one!
081 ¿Cuántos? 얼마나? How many?
082 Uno más. 하나 더 One more!
083 Uno menos. 하나 적게 One less!
084 Por favor, espera. 기다려주세요 Please wait!
085 caballeros 남자 화장실 gents
086 señoras 여자 화장실 ladies
087 ¿Dónde está el supermercado? 슈퍼마켓이 어디에 있나요? Where is the supermarket?
088 la tarjeta de crédito 신용카드 credit card
089 la entrada 입구 entrance
090 la salida 출구 exit
091 el cajero automático ATM 기계 ATM machine
092 el hospital 병원 hospital
093 la policía 경찰 police

[Tabla de contenido]



'Language/Spanish' 카테고리의 글 목록




No. Español 한국어 English
062 hola 안녕하세요 hi
063 ¿Hablas inglés? 영어를 할 줄 아세요? Do you speak English?
064 por favor 제발 please
065 gracias 감사합니다 thank you
066 sí yes
067 no 아니요 no
068 ¡Ayuda! 도와주세요! Help!
069 Necesito agua 물이 필요해요 I need water.
070 el inodoro 화장실 toilet
071 ¡Perdona! 미안해요 Sorry!
072 el restaurante 식당 restaurant
073 cerrado 닫다 closed
074  abierto 열다 open
075  La carta, por favor. 메뉴를 주세요 Menu, please!
076 ¿Cuánto es? 얼마인가요? How much?
077 La cuenta, por favor. 계산서를 주세요 The bill, please!

[Tabla de contenido]



'Language/Spanish' 카테고리의 글 목록




1. TED 번역 봉사 지원 사이트
2. TED 번역 봉사 영상 시청
3. TED 번역 봉사 언어 설정
4. TED 번역 봉사 신청서 작성
5. TED 번역 봉사 퀴즈
6. TED 번역 활동을 하기 위한 TIP


TED 영상 자막 번역 봉사 지원하기!

TED 번역 봉사 지원 방법


TED 번역 봉사 지원 사이트

하단 사이트에 접속하여, Apply now 선택




TED Translators are volunteers who subtitle TED Talks, and enable the inspiring ideas in them to crisscross languages and borders.


TED 번역 봉사 영상 시청

자원봉사 번역가들이 지켜야 할 유의 사항 안내



1. 자막은 쉽게 읽을 수 있어야 함

화면에 나오는 텍스트를 읽고, 강연자가 말하는 것을 이해할 충분한 시간이 있어야 함


2. 자막이 두 줄을 넘어가면 안됨

자막이 21자를 넘어간다면, 두 줄로 나누기


3. 자막이 화면에 1초 이상 보이도록 하기


4. 단어 중간에서 두 개의 자막으로 자르지 않기

시각적으로 보기 불편함


5. 소리 정보는 소괄호를 사용

(e.g. (고양이 울음소리), (개 짖는 소리), (레이저 쏘는 소리))


6. 화면의 텍스트는 대괄호에 넣기


TED 번역 봉사 언어 설정

번역이 가능한 언어 모두 선택

Translate: 번역 / Transdescribe: 받아쓰기


Basic - Intermediate - Advanced - Near native / fluent - Native

하위 세 단계(fluent 미만)의 경우, 번역 지원 불가

Sorry, you are not qualified to subtitle/translate. Your skill level with the languages you listed is too low.

TED 번역 봉사 신청서 작성


질문에 대한 답변은 1-2문장으로 간략하게 작성하기


1. TED 번역 봉사를 신청하는 이유

2. 번역하거나 받아쓰기 하려는 언어에 관련된 경험

3. TED Translators 프로그램에 대해 어떻게 알게 되었는지

About You

Please add your answers to each prompt below. Answers in English are preferred, but not required.

In a sentence or two, why do you want to subtitle for TED?
: I want to subtitle for TED because...
Give a brief description of your experience with the languages you wish to translate or transcribe.
: I am a native Swahili speaker who learned English at age 5...
How did you learn about the TED Translators program? Explain in one or two sentences.
: I heard about TED Translators from a friend...

TED 번역 봉사 퀴즈

퀴즈를 풀어 Submit Application 버튼 클릭해 제출하면 완료

Pop Quiz!

In this quiz, you'll be expected to answer questions about TED's subtitle workflow and guidelines. Before you begin, we suggest re-reading our guidelines and watching the getting started video above.


Should volunteers be fluent in their languages?

True or false: Translators should be fluent in both source and target languages. Transcribers should be fluent in the language they are transcribing.


What roles are available to new volunteers?

Subtitles go through several steps before publication. Select the roles that are available to new volunteers:

Transcribing TEDx talks

How many subtitled talks should you have published in order to be eligible as a reviewer?

Reviewers check subtitles for accuracy and technical style, and provide constructive feedback. Volunteers can begin reviewing once they have published subtitles on at least __.

3 talks
7 talks
10 talks
15 talks

How should sounds be subtitled?

Sound representation in subtitles enables the Deaf and Hard of Hearing to understand sound information. Please select the proper way to represent the sound of an audience’s laughter in a subtitle:


How long should each subtitle be shown on screen?

It is important to give viewers enough time to both read and comprehend subtitled text. How long should a subtitle remain on the screen?

Between 1 and 7 seconds
Between 2 and 10 seconds
Between 3 and 4 seconds
Between 3 and 8 seconds

How should on-screen text be transcribed?

On-screen text that appears on the speaker’s slides should be put in ___.

"Quotation marks"
[Square brackets]
{Curly Brackets}

For languages that use the Latin alphabet, what is the longest a subtitle line should be?

To ensure viewers can read subtitles comfortably, a subtitle should be broken into two lines when it is longer than __:

20 characters
32 characters
30 characters
42 characters

How should lines be broken up within a subtitle?

"Line-breaking" refers to choosing where to end a line or subtitle. Generally, break each line after a linguistic "unit", while keeping line lengths as even as possible. Select the correct example below.

I can speak three
modern Romance languages and read Latin pretty well.
I can speak three modern Romance languages
and read Latin pretty well.
I can speak three modern Romance
languages and read Latin pretty well.


Which of these subtitles are split correctly?

Select the two versions of subtitles that are split correctly:

which I learned in college.
Maria also believes that

gender is a social construct.
which I learned in college.

Maria also believes
that gender is a social construct.
Somehow, this worked really well
in Alex's garage. When you work

on something big,
you need to accept failure.
Somehow, this worked really well
in Alex's garage.

When you work on something big,
you need to accept failure.


What can a Language Coordinator help with?

Your community's Language Coordinator can support you with which of the following:

Answer your linguistic or translation questions.
Connect you with fellow translators in your language community.
Provide guidance on subtitling best practices.
Point you to your language's style guide.

Thank you for volunteering to subtitle for TED. We'll respond to your application within 5 business days.


TED 번역 활동을 하기 위한 TIP

새 TED 번역가들이 뭘 할 수 있을까?

신청서가 승인되면, 강연을 선택해서 내용을 글로 옮기거나 번역을 할 수 있음


1. 조금 짧은 강연부터 시작하기

숙련된 봉사자들로부터 더 빨리 피드백을 받을 수 있음


2. 번역 결과물 검토하기

자막 작업을 적어도 5번 이상 한 이후에

다른 번역가의 결과물을 검토해줄 수 있음


3. 자막 번역 인정받기

해당 언어 코디네이터가, 봉사자들이 검토한 자막을 확인함

그리고 자막을 승인해서 공개함

그러면 TED.com에서 자막 번역을 인정받게 됨

Translated by (My Name)




No. Español 한국어 English
049 la tortita 팬케이크 pancake
050 los cereales 곡류 cereal
051 el gofre 와플 waffle
052 la tortilla 오믈렛 omelet
053 la barrita de muesli 그래놀라 바 granola bar
054 la tostada 토스트 toast
055 los copos de avena 오트밀 oatmeal
056 la quiche 키쉬 quiche
057 el brioche 브리오쉬 brioche
058 el garbanzo 병아리콩 chickpea
059 la lenteja 렌틸콩 lentil
060 las judías beans
061 yo envuelvo 저는 싸요 I wrap

[Tabla de contenido]



'Language/Spanish' 카테고리의 글 목록




No. Español 한국어 English
035 la comida 음식 food
036 la imagen 사진 picture
037 la guía 가이드 guide
038 el batido 셰이크 shake
039 el asa 손잡이 handle
040 Yo entrengo 저는 배달해요 I deliver
041 el tour 투어 tour
042 Yo estiro 저는 둥글게 말아요 I roll
043 la comida 식사 meal
044 la bolsa 가방 bag
045 el paquete 패키지 package
046 el vino 와인 wine
047 la taza cup
048 el precio 가격 price

[Tabla de contenido]



'Language/Spanish' 카테고리의 글 목록




No. Español 한국어 English
018 la almendra 아몬드 almond
019 el beicon 베이컨 bacon
020 la mantequilla 버터 butter
021 el cacahuete 땅콩 peanut
022 el coco 코코넛 coconut
023 el jamón ham
024 la hamburguesa 햄버거 hamburger
025 la avellana 헤이즐넛 hazelnut
026 el perrito caliente 핫도그 hotdog
027 yo vierto 저는 쏟아요 I pour
028 yo sirvo 저는 제공해요 I serve
029 la pasta 파스타 pasta
030 el pistacho 피스타치오 pistachio
031 el salmón 연어 salmon
032 la salchicha 소시지 sausage
033 la nuez 호두 walnut
034 el yogur 요거트 yogurt

[Tabla de contenido]



'Language/Spanish' 카테고리의 글 목록




No. Español 한국어 English
001  el pan  빵 bread
002  el desayuno  아침 식사 breakfast
003  las frutas  과일 fruits
004 el queso 치즈 cheese
005 el huevo 계란 egg
006 el pescado 생선 fish
007 el tenedor 포크 fork
008 la sopa 수프 soup
009 la seta 버섯 mushroom
010 el cuchillo knife
011 el limón 레몬 lemon
012 la carne 고기 meat
013 la cuchara 숟가락 spoon
014 el azúcar 설탕 sugar
015 la ensalada 샐러드 salad
016 yo como 저는 먹어요 I eat
017 yo cocino 저는 요리해요 I cook

[Tabla de contenido]



'Language/Spanish' 카테고리의 글 목록





Free BTS concert in Busan faces snowballing concerns

BTS poses for picture at the act`s appointment ceremony as ambassadors of 2030 Busan World Expo on July 19, 2021. (Big Hit Music)

Voices of concern are mounting over a megasized BTS concert in Busan, as problems stemming from an influx of concertgoers remain unresolved ahead of the event’s launch in October.

On Oct. 15, under the title "BTS ‘Yet to Come’ in Busan," the K-pop septet will hold a concert in Gijang-gun of Busan as part of an effort to support the coastal city in its bid to host the 2030 World Expo. The seven members of BTS are honorary ambassadors of the 2030 Busan World Expo.

The event is expected to have an audience capacity of 110,000, making it the biggest single concert ever held in Busan. The main venue in Gijang-gun, accommodating 100,000 people, and a separate area for another 10,000 fans with a real-time broadcast of the gig will be arranged at the Busan Port International Passenger Terminal, around 36 kilometers south of the main venue.

This will mark the first live concert by BTS in South Korea since its Seoul concert in March and the first time the bandmates take to the stage together since they announced an official break to focus on solo activities in June.

But with the mounting excitement have come snowballing problems, as Busan braces itself for the unprecedented crowd.

One concern at hand is the skyrocketing prices of accommodation. On Aug. 24, when the concert date was announced, all the rooms in Gijang-gun and nearby areas instantly sold out, with room fees surging by up to 10 times their usual rates. Some hoteliers came under fire after canceling existing reservations to resell the rooms at higher prices.

The city of Busan has declared it will take action against such malpractice. In a meeting attended by related authorities on Aug. 30, Busan Mayor Park Hyeong-joon said the city will work with related organizations, such as the Fair Trade Commission, to look into the issue and map out necessary measures.


Poster of "BTS `Yet To Come` in Busan" concert set for Oct. 15, 2022. (Big Hit Music)

A lack of public infrastructure surrounding the concert site is also expected to lead to a slew of problems, including safety concerns for the audience.

Serious traffic confusion is one problem. The concert is set to take place at a temporary venue installed on unused land near the coast some 15 minutes by walk from Ilgwang Station, which will be the only means of public transportation. The mass of people will be walking from the station to the venue via a narrow two-lane road in a residential area, and no cars will be allowed at the site on the day.

The venue itself has also come under fire.

According to a map released by Big Hit on Tuesday, not only does the temporary building seem too small for 100,000 people to cram into, but there is only one gate going in and out from it. Most structures where concerts of such enormous size are held usually have multiple gates spread out around the building -- 54 gates in the case of 65,00-seat capacity Jamsil Sports Complex in Seoul and 22 gates at the 66,000-seat Seoul World Cup Stadium.

While the local government has announced various measures to ease confusion surrounding the venue, nothing has been confirmed for now, and whether such measures will be effective in preventing the havoc as some 110,000 fans move around the city remains doubtful.

The city said it plans to temporarily ramp up public transportation, adding extra subway trains and buses and requesting an increase in the number of high-speed trains and airplanes between Seoul and Busan. The government is also mulling operating cruise ships and speedboats between Busan Port and Gijang-gun.

BTS’ October concert will be the septet’s first promotional activity as ambassadors for the potential 2030 Busan World Expo. More related events are expected to take place in Busan the same month, including "2022 BTS Exhibition: Proof," about the group’s nine-year career, set to kick off on Oct. 5 at Haeundae LCT.

By Choi Ji-won (jwc@heraldcorp.com)




UNIT 68. Benefits of the FTA


Min-Soo: Emma, have you seen my new smart phone?


Emma: No, I haven't. Let me see it... . It looks very nice.


Min-Soo: It's a Samsung Galaxy with 4G LTE speed.


Emma: I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds impressive.


Min-Soo: Yeah, and it has an Android 4.4 KitKat operating system.

Android KitKat: 구글이 개발한 안드로이드 계열의 안드로이드 버전

Emma: You're losing me.


Min-Soo: With a Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 2.7GHz quad-core processor.

Qualcomm Snapdragon: 퀄컴에서 개발한 스마트폰, 태블릿, 스마트북 등을 위한 모바일 SoC

Emma: You're way over my head now!


Min-Soo: Oh, and Bluetooth 4.0 technology with a 5.7" Super AMOLED HD touch screen.


Emma: I should call you "Mr. High Tech," and I have to admit: Korea makes the best smart phones.


Exported products going to other countries.


Imported products coming to Korea.

The United States and the Republic of Korea signed the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement (KOORUS FTA) on June 30, 2007.


However, it took years of discussions before the agreement was approved by both legislatures and came into effect on March 15, 2012.


Over the years of discussion, numerous opponents in both Korea and the U.S. railed against the agreement, stating that it would have adverse effects on agriculture, automobiles, and other industries.


Of course, supporters claimed that the agreement would be beneficial to both countries.



The FTA has now been in effect for more than three years, so one may ask:


who has benefited the most from the agreement?


According to the Wall Street Journal, the clear winner has been Korea.


While bilateral trade between the two countries rose dramatically, the South Korean trade surplus with the U.S. only widened during this period.


The following statistics show Korea's trade surplus with the U.S. during the relevant years:


2011, 13.1 billion; 2012, 16.6 billion; 2013, 20.7 billion; 2014, 25.1 billion.


Also, during this period, Korea's exports to the U.S. grew faster than their exports to the rest of the world.


Korean opponents of the FTA had claimed that it would devastate the agricultural sector in Korea due to massive imports of American agriculture and livestock products.


These claims were proven to be groundless as Korea's imports of U.S. agriculture and livestock products dropped 20% while Korea's exports of the same type of product increased 20%.


What do you think?

(1) Why does Korea's trade surplus with the U.S. keep increasing?



(2) Should Korea sign more free trade agreements with other countries?



(3) What are your favorite made-in-Korea products?



(4) What American products do you like the most?



(5) What American products do you like the least?





1. Choose the most appropriate response to complete each conversation.

W: Are you going to need your car this weekend?
M: Probably at some point. Why?
W: I was hoping to borrow it to get away for a bit.
(a) Sorry, I was out of town.
(b) I'd be happy to drive you back.
(c) I can make do without it for a couple of days.
(d) I’ll be back by Monday.

부탁할 때 ‘I was hoping to부정사[that절] ~’이나 ‘I was wondering if I could(?)~’가 많이 쓰인다. 차를 빌려달라는 부탁에 대한 적절한 응답을 찾아야 한다. 차 없이도 지낼 수 있으니 빌려가라는 (c)가 정답이다.

여: 이번 주에 당신 차 쓰실 건가요?
남: 아마 언제쯤인가는요. 왜요?
여: 어디 좀 다녀오게 빌렸으면 했거든요.
남: 하루 이틀 정도는 차 없이 지낼 수 있어요.

get away: 휴가를 얻다, 떠나다, 벗어나다
make do: 임시 변통하다
out of town: 시외에, (여행이나 출장으로) 멀리 나가 있어, 출타 중에

정답: (c)
정답률 : 74.22%


2. Choose the most appropriate response to complete each conversation.

W: You're dressed up today. What's the occasion?
M: I have a big meeting later today.
W: What's it about?
(a) I’m up for promotion.
(b) Let’s discuss that in the meeting.
(c) It's Casual Friday at work today.
(d) We don’t have an official dress code.

“What’s it about?”이 연음 때문에 잘 안 들릴 수 있으니 주의해야 한다. 그 회의가 무엇에 관한 회의인지 물었으므로, 자신의 승진 건에 관한 회의라는 의미의 (a)가 정답이다.

여: 당신 오늘 잘 차려 입었네요. 무슨 일이에요?
남: 오늘 이따가 큰 회의가 있어요.
여: 무엇에 대한 것인데요?
남: 제가 승진 물망에 올라 있어요.

be dressed up: 옷을 잘 차려 입다
occasion: 특별한 때, 중요한 행사, 의식, 제전
be up for: (사람이)(선거 등의 후보로서) 출마하다, (사람, 단체가) (~을 향해) 분발하고 있다
Casual Friday: (정장이 아닌) 평상복을 입는 금요일
dress code: 복장 규정

정답: (a)
정답률 : 86.29%


1. Choose the option that best completes each sentence.
National chains are increasingly __________ local businesses which simply cannot keep up with the big competitors.

  •  (a) replacing
  •  (b) resuming
  •  (c) converting
  •  (d) arranging
관계대명사 “which” 뒤에서 지역 업체들이 거대 경쟁 업체들을 따라갈 수가 없다고 했으므로 앞에는 전국 규모의 체인점들이 지역의 소형 업체들을 대체하고 있다는 뜻이 되어야 알맞다. 따라서 대체한다는 뜻의 (a)가 정답이다.

전국 규모 체인점들이 거대 경쟁업체를 도저히 따라잡을 수 없는 지역 업체들을 갈수록 더 대체하고 있다.

keep up: (사람, 공부, 생각, 유행 등에) 뒤떨어지지 않도록 따라가다
replace: 대체하다, 대신하다, 바꾸다
resume: 재개하다, 다시 차지하다
convert: 전환하다, 개조하다, 개종하다
arrange: ~을 배열하다, 조정하다

정답: (a)
정답률 : 74.04%


2. Choose the option that best completes each sentence.
Thousands of consumers _______ our website each day to check out our low prices on household products.

  •  (a) run
  •  (b) visit
  •  (c) place
  •  (d) spend
온라인 상에서 웹사이트에 들어가서 보는 것은 바깥 세상에서 어떤 장소를 방문하는 것과 마찬가지다. 따라서 website를 목적어로 취하면서 그곳에 방문한다는 뜻을 나타내는 동사는 (b)이다.

수천 명의 소비자들이 우리 가정용품들의 낮은 가격을 확인하려고 매일 우리 웹사이트를 방문한다.

consumer: 소비자
check out: ~을 확인하다, 조회하다
household: 가정의, 가족의, 가구의, 가사의

정답: (b)
정답률 : 97.89%


1. Choose the option that best completes each sentence.
The artist attempted to break ____________ convention by experimenting with new materials for his sculptures.

  •  (a) to
  •  (b) with
  •  (c) into
  •  (d) on
전치사 ‘with’가 분리를 뜻하는 경우도 있는데, ‘break with’(~와 관계를 끊다), ‘part with’(~와 헤어지다), ‘dispense with’(~없이 지내다)가 그에 해당한다. ‘break with’에는 전통이나 관습을 버린다는 뜻이 있으므로 (b)가 정답이다.

그 예술가는 조각에 새로운 재료를 가지고 실험함으로써 관습에서 벗어나려고 시도했다.

break with: (전통, 생각 따위)를 버리다, ~와 관계를 끊다
convention: (사회의 일반적인) 관례, 관습, 인습
material: 재료, 원료, 소재
sculpture: 조각, 조각품

정답: (b)
정답률 : 31.16%


2. Choose the option that best completes each sentence.
In Julie's opinion, the best part of being invited out last Friday for a burger and fries ________ that she did not have to cook anything.

  •  (a) is
  •  (b) were
  •  (c) was
  •  (d) are
주어가 “the best part”이고 ‘지난 금요일’이라는 과거 시간 표현이 나와 있으므로 단수와 함께 쓰이고 과거 시제인 be동사 (c)가 정답이다. 참고로 빈칸 다음에 나오는 ‘that’절은 전체 문장의 보어에 해당한다.

줄리의 견해로는 지난 금요일 햄버거와 감자 튀김 외식에 초대 받은 일의 가장 좋았던 점은 요리를 할 필요가 없었다는 것이었다.

be invited out: 초대받아 나가다
fry: (-ies) 감자 튀김

정답: (c)
정답률 : 80.69%


1. Based on the given information, choose the option that best answers each question.
After more than five years of construction, the Guizhou telescope―the world’s biggest single-dish radio telescope―commenced operation in 2016. Although China has become one of the world’s economic giants, the country's science programs have typically been seen as of secondary importance. Chinese astronomers believe that the telescope will now pave the way for the nation to become a scientific superpower, and the researchers who led the project expressed hope that astronomical findings from the telescope would earn prestige for the nation.


Q: What is mainly being reported about the Guizhou telescope?

  •  (a) Its astronomical missions are set to reap economic returns.
  •  (b) Its construction required heavy governmental investment.
  •  (c) It represents an increased investment in scientific equipment.
  •  (d) It embodies China’s hope to gain international fame in science.
마지막 문장이 열쇠다. 이 망원경을 통해 중국이 과학 초강대국이 되고 중국의 위상이 높아지기를 학자들과 연구진이 바라고 있다고 했다. 따라서 이 망원경은 과학에 있어서 국제적인 명성을 얻고자 하는 중국의 희망의 구현체라고 할 수 있으므로 (d)가 정답이다.

5년 이상의 건설을 거쳐, 세계 최대 단일경 전파 망원경인 구이저우 천체 망원경이 2016년 작동을 개시했다. 중국은 세계 경제 대국들 중 하나가 되었지만, 과학 프로그램들은 보통 2류 정도로 취급되어 왔다. 중국 천문학자들은 그 망원경이 이제 중국이 과학 초강국이 되는 길을 닦을 것이라고 믿으며, 그 프로젝트를 이끈 연구자들은 그 망원경으로 인한 천문학적 발견들이 중국의 위상을 높여줄 것이라는 희망을 표명했다.

telescope: 망원경
single-dish: [천체망원경에서] 전파 수집판이 하나인, 단일경의
commence: 시작하다, 개시하다
findings: (연구, 조사의) 결과, 결론
prestige: 위상, 명성, 위신
return: 수익, 수입, 수확

정답: (d)
정답률 : 82.05%


2. Based on the given information, choose the option that best answers each question.
The Gaelic language was once prominent in northern and western Scotland, although its speakers today are less than 1% of Scotland’s population. Gaelic first came under threat in the eleventh century, when the reigning king of Scotland married the English Princess Margaret of Wessex. The princess spoke English rather than Gaelic and brought the Scottish church more in line with that of England. Gaelic declined from this time and was definitively replaced in Scotland by the year 1400. Scottish independence movements guaranteed its demise by promoting a Scottish form of English, known as the Scots language.


Q. What is the main topic of the passage?

  •  (a) How the Scots language came to prominence
  •  (b) Historical events that led to Gaelic’s decline in Scotland
  •  (c) Why Margaret of Wessex represented a threat to the Gaelic language
  •  (d) The Scots language’s impact on Scottish independence
게일어가 한때 스코틀랜드의 주류 언어였다가 거의 사멸 직전까지 가게 된 역사적인 추이를 설명한 글이다. 잉글랜드 공주가 스코틀랜드의 왕비가 된 사건, 그리고 스코틀랜드 독립운동으로 이어진 일련의 역사적 사건들을 그 원인으로 설명하고 있으므로 (b)가 정답이다. 웨섹스의 마가렛이 게일어에 위협을 가한 내용도 글에 등장하기는 하지만 전체를 아우르는 주제는 아니므로 (c)는 정답이 아니다.

게일어는 현재는 사용자가 스코틀랜드 인구의 1%도 안 되지만 한때는 북부 및 서부 스코틀랜드에서 지배적이었다. 게일어는 11세기에 처음으로 위험에 처했는데, 집권 중이던 스코틀랜드 왕이 잉글랜드 공주 웨섹스의 마가렛과 결혼한 것이었다. 그 공주는 게일어보다는 영어를 사용했고 스코틀랜드 교회를 잉글랜드 교회에 동화시켰다. 게일어는 이 시기부터 쇠퇴했고, 1400년에 이르러서는 스코틀랜드에서 완전히 대체되었다. 스코틀랜드 독립 운동이 스코츠어로 알려진 스코틀랜드식 영어를 촉진함으로써 게일어의 소멸을 확실히 했다.

prominent: 저명한, 우세한, 유명한
reigning: 군림하는, 정권을 잡고 있는, 챔피언 자리에 있는
bring ~ in[into] line with: ~을 일치시키다, 조화시키다, 동화시키다
definitively: 결정적으로, 명확하게
demise: 사망, 서거, (왕위의) 계승
impact: 충격, 영향

정답: (b)
정답률 : 78.15%




'Language > TEPS' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Weekly TEPS] 02_July 25, 2022  (0) 2022.08.04
[Weekly TEPS] 01_August 1, 2022  (0) 2022.08.03


1. Choose the most appropriate response to complete each conversation.

W: I bumped into your wife at the mall yesterday.
M: I heard you two had lunch together.
W: Yeah, it was a blast. Has she always been that funny?
(a) Too bad you guys missed each other yesterday.
(b) She does have quite a sense of humor.
(c) I’d like to meet her sometime.
(d) Yeah, I’ll have to introduce you two.

부인이 원래 재미있는 사람이냐고 물었으므로, 유머 감각이 상당히 있다는 (b)가 정답이다. 두 여자가 이미 우연히 만났으므로 (a)와 (d)는 대화의 맥락에 어울리지 않는다.

여: 어제 당신 부인과 우연히 마주쳤어요.
남: 둘이 같이 점심을 했다면서요?
여: 예, 정말 재미있었어요. 부인이 원래 그렇게 재미있나요?
남: 유머 감각이 꽤 있지요.

bump into: ~와 우연히 마주치다, 만나다
blast: 큰 즐거움, (특히 흥청거리는) 파티, 흥겨운 상태 ex) have a blast: 흥겨운 시간을 보내다
miss: (사람을) 만나지 못하다

정답: (b)
정답률 : 83.59%


2. Choose the most appropriate response to complete each conversation.

M: Let's watch a movie tonight. How about 11 p.m.?
W: Sounds good, but I have to ask my dad if it's OK.
M: You're an adult. Do you really have to ask for permission?
(a) No, I'm not watching a film with my dad.
(b) Well, you will be in a few more years.
(c) Yeah, my parents are still strict about curfew.
(d) Go ahead. You have my full support.

밤에 영화를 보러 가는 데 부모님의 허락을 받아야 하는 상황이나 이유를 밝혀야 한다. 따라서 부모님이 귀가 시간을 엄격하게 지키게 한다는 뜻에서 (c)가 정답이다. “curfew”는 원래 야간 통행금지 시간을 알리는 교회종에서 유래해서 외출 금지 시간 또는 규정을 뜻한다.

남: 오늘밤에 영화 보자. 밤 11시 어때?
여: 좋기는 한데, 그래도 되는지 아빠한테 여쭤봐야 해.
남: 넌 성인이야. 정말 허락을 구해야 돼?
여: 응, 우리 부모님은 여전히 귀가 시간 규정에 엄격하셔.

permission: 허가, 허락, 승인
curfew: 외출 금지 시각
You have my full support: 너에게 완전히 찬성한다. 너를 완전히 지원한다.

정답: (c)
정답률 : 90.10%


1. Choose the option that best completes each sentence.
Data from the video was used to _________ the bird's flight path onto the computer, creating a map that scientists could then study.

  •  (a) redeem
  •  (b) redevelop
  •  (c) reconstruct
  •  (d) redefine
‘다시’를 뜻하는 접두어인 re-가 들어간 단어들 중에서 문맥에 맞는 단어를 찾는 문제다. 컴퓨터 상에 재구성하거나 재현한다는 뜻의 동사가 들어가야 한다. 구성하거나 건설한다는 뜻의 동사인 ‘construct’ 앞에 접두어 re-를 붙인 (c)가 이에 해당한다.

그 비디오에서 나온 데이터는 그 새의 비행 궤적을 컴퓨터 상에서 재현해내는 데 사용되어, 그 다음 과학자들이 연구할 수 있는 지도를 만들어냈다.

flight: 비행, 날기, 비행기 여행
redeem: (외상값, 채무, 채권을) 갚다, 상환하다, 변제하다, (명예, 권리, 지위 등을) 회복[만회]하다
redevelop: ~을 재건하다, 재개발하다
reconstruct: 전체 모양을 재현하다, 복원하다
redefine: 재정의하다, 고쳐 정의하다

정답: (c)
정답률 : 61.64%


1. Choose the option that best completes each sentence.

______________ all the milk in the saucer, the kitten fell asleep on the pillow.

  •  (a) Finish
  •  (b) To finish
  •  (c) Having finished
  •  (d) To have finished
접시 속 우유를 다 먹은 다음 잠이 들었을 것이므로, 더 먼저 일어난 일인 우유를 다 먹은 부분을 완료 분사 “having finished”로 나타내서 완료분사구문을 완성하는 (c)가 정답이다.

접시 속 우유를 모두 먹은 그 고양이는 베개 위에서 잠이 들었다.

saucer: (커피 잔 따위의) 받침, 접시 모양의 것
fall asleep: 잠이 들다

정답: (c)
정답률 : 81.90%


1. Based on the given information, choose the option that best answers each question.


Q: What is the main purpose of the passage?

  •  (a) To urge people to sign up to become organ donors
  •  (b) To describe the risks of having an organ transplant
  •  (c) To explain how to sign up to become an organ donor
  •  (d) To clarify why many people require organ transplants
장기 기증자 카드를 작성해서 공식적인 장기 기증 서약을 하라고 강력히 권하는 내용이므로 (a)가 정답이다. (c)는 장기 기증자가 되는 방법을 설명한다는 뜻인데, 본문이 장기기증자가 되는 방법을 기술하고 있지는 않으므로 정답이 아니다.

바로 지금, 많은 환자들이 생명을 구하는 장기 이식 대기자 명단에 올라 있습니다. 우리들 대부분은 사고로 사망한다면 장기를 이식할 의향이 있지만, 병원에게 우리의 장기를 가져가도록 허가해주는 장기 기증자 카드를 작성하는 것은 소홀히 합니다. 기다릴 필요가 없습니다. 장기 기증이 옳은 일이라고 생각하는 사람은 모두 오늘 카드를 작성해야 합니다. 이 작은 한 걸음이 누군가의 삶을 크게 바꿔 놓을 수 있습니다.

organ: [생물] 기관, 장기
transplant: 이식, 이식 수술
pass away: 사망하다
fill out: (서류, 신청서를) 작성하다
authorize: (남에게) 권한을 부여하다, 권한을 주다
make a difference: 큰 변화를 가져오다, 영향을 미치다
urge: 설득하다, 열심히 권하다
sign up: 신청하다, 등록하다 ((for))
organ donor: 장기 기증자

정답: (a)
정답률 : 85.15%




'Language > TEPS' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Weekly TEPS] 03_July 18, 2022  (0) 2022.08.05
[Weekly TEPS] 01_August 1, 2022  (0) 2022.08.03


1. Choose the most appropriate response to complete each conversation.

M: I’ve been under a lot of stress at the office lately.
W: I know it’s hard, but I'm sure it's temporary.
M: You think so? I hope you're right.
(a) I can’t stand the stress much longer.
(b) Definitely. I’d quit if I were you.
(c) Sure. Things are bound to turn around eventually.
(d) It’s hard to tell, but it looks like it’s getting worse.

여자가 그런 스트레스 받는 상황이 일시적(temporary)일 뿐일 것이라고 했는데, 이는 앞으로 시간이 지나면 스트레스를 덜 받게 될 것이라는 낙관적인 전망을 한다는 뜻이다. 따라서 상황이 결국 나아질 것이라는 (c)가 정답이다. 다른 세 선택지는 모두 비관적인 내용이므로 여자의 태도와 반대된다.

남: 저는 요 근래 직장에서 아주 스트레스를 많이 받아왔어요.
여: 힘든 건 저도 알지만, 그건 일시적일 거예요.
남: 그렇게 생각해요? 당신 말이 맞았으면 좋겠네요.
여: 그럼요. 상황이 결국 나아지게 될 거에요.

temporary: 일시적인, 한시적인, 덧없는
be bound to부정사: 반드시 ~하게 되어 있다, ~하기 마련이다
turn around: (시장, 견제 따위가) 회복되다, 호전되다, 방향을 바꾸다

정답: (c)
정답률 : 82.05%


2. Choose the most appropriate response to complete each conversation.

W: The cafe downstairs is under new management.
M: Yeah, I went yesterday.
W: I didn't notice any differences.
(a) Give them time to make some changes.
(b) I'll make sure to check when I go there.
(c) It is a bit more drastic than I'd anticipated.
(d) Yeah. I just wish they hadn't changed the menu.
경영진이 바뀌었어도 별 변화를 못 느끼겠다는 여자의 말에 대한 남자의 적절한 응답을 찾으면 된다. 그들이 변화를 줄 때까지 시간을 두고 기다려보라는 (a)가 정답이다.
여: 아래층 카페에 새 경영진이 들어왔대요.
남: 그래요, 나 어제 갔었어요.
여: 난 다른 점을 눈치채지 못하겠던데요.
남: 그들이 변화를 주도록 시간을 줘 봐요.

(the) management: 경영진, 사측
drastic: (행동, 처리, 수단 등이) 철저한, 과감한
anticipate: 예상하다, 기대하다

정답: (a)
정답률 : 46.96%


1. Choose the option that best completes each sentence.
Because the hikers were going so slowly, it was unlikely that they would _________ the summit before dark.

  •  (a) arrive
  •  (b) obtain
  •  (c) accomplish
  •  (d) reach
“arrive”와 “reach” 모두 어딘가에 도착하거나 도달한다는 뜻이지만 ‘arrive’는 자동사이고 ‘reach’는 타동사다. 따라서 전치사 없이 바로 목적어 “the summit”을 취할 수 있는 동사는 ‘reach’다.
그 등산객들은 너무 느리게 가고 있었기 때문에 해지기 전까지 정상에 닿을 것 같지 않았다.
unlikely: ~할 것 같지 않게, 있을 법하지 않은
summit: 정상, 꼭대기
accomplish: (일, 의무 등을) 성취하다, 이루어내다, 완수하다, (보람 있는 일을) 해내다

정답: (d)
정답률 : 78.26%


2. Choose the option that best completes each sentence.
The car was completely stuck in the snow bank that even with the force of five men it would not _______.

  •  (a) budge
  •  (b) switch
  •  (c) cruise
  •  (d) remove
보통 부정문에서 not과 함께 쓰여서 조금도 움직이지 않거나 양보의 기미를 전혀 보이지 않는다는 뜻으로 쓰이는 동사는 budge이므로 (a)가 정답이다.

그 차는 완전히 눈 더미에 갇혀서 다섯 남자의 힘으로도 꿈쩍도 하지 않았다.

be stuck: 갇히다, 꼼짝 못하게 되다, 끼다
snow bank: 눈 더미, 바람에 쌓인 눈 더미
budge: (보통 부정문) 조금 움직이다, 양보하다
switch: 방향을 바꾸다, 전환하다, 갈아타다
remove: 제거하다, 이사하다, 이동하다, 주거지를 옮기다

정답: (a)
정답률 : 55.47%


1. Choose the option that best completes each sentence.
Had it not been for Harold’s help, Jean __________ last week's deadline.

  •  (a) missed
  •  (b) would miss
  •  (c) had missed
  •  (d) would have missed
과거에 이미 일어난 일에 대한 반대되는 가정은 가정법 과거완료로 표현한다. 따라서 주절의 동사 부분에 해당하는 빈칸에는 조동사의 과거형 다음에 have p.p.가 쓰인 (d)가 들어가야 알맞다.

해롤드의 도움이 없었다면, 진은 지난 주의 마감날을 놓쳤을 것이다.

had it not been for: ~이 없었다면
가정법 과거완료: if +주어+had p.p.~, 주어+조동사의 과거형(would, should, could, might)+have p.p.~
정답: (d)
정답률 : 82.96%


2. Choose the option that best completes each sentence.
At tonight's concert, Mr. Pearlman gave ________________________ as the night before and received another standing ovation.

  •  (a) great a performance
  •  (b) performance as great
  •  (c) as a great performance
  •  (d) as great a performance
빈칸 뒤의 as와 호응하여 원급 비교 as ~ as 구문을 이루어야 한다. 앞에 나오는 부사 as 다음의 어순이 중요한데, 보통 이 as 뒤에는 형용사나 부사가 온다. 여기서는 ‘great’이 이에 해당한다. 그런데 이 부분이 형용사나 부사로만 끝나지 않고 명사를 수반하는 경우는 (d)와 같이 먼저 ‘great’을 쓰고 그 다음에 a와 명사를 쓴다. 이것은 ‘such a great performance’(그런 멋진 연주)와 같은 such와 비교되는 대목이다.

오늘 밤의 연주회에서, 펄먼 씨는 전날만큼 훌륭한 연주를 했고, 또 다시 기립박수를 받았다.

as A as B: (수량, 정도의 비교) B와 같은 정도로 A, B와 마찬가지로 A
standing ovation: 기립 박수

정답: (d)
정답률 : 34.51%


1. Based on the given information, choose the option that best answers each question.
Impressionism was a major art movement which developed chiefly in France during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Impressionist art is a style in which the artist captures the image of an object as a viewer would see it from just a glimpse. These artists typically painted outdoor scenes, with a lot of color but a lack of detail. Perhaps the most unique characteristic of this art movement was the attempt of some painters to accurately and objectively record visual reality using transient effects of light and color. Q: What is the main purpose of the passage?

  •  (a) To instruct artists on recreating impressionist art
  •  (b) To detail the historical causes of impressionism
  •  (c) To describe the style of impressionist painting
  •  (d) To express the importance of impressionism
인상주의를 설명한 글인데, 사회역사적 배경이나 예술사적 중요성을 다룬다기 보다는 인상주의의 화풍 자체를 세세하게 설명하고 있으므로 (c)가 정답이다.
인상주의는 19세기 후반과 20세기 초반에 주로 프랑스에서 발전한 주요 예술 운동이었다. 인상주의 예술은 바라보는 사람이 사물을 한눈에 흘깃 보는 것과 같은 방식으로 예술가가 사물의 이미지를 포착하는 화풍이다. 이 예술가들은 보통 야외 풍경을 그렸는데 많은 색은 썼지만 세부는 자세히 다루지 않았다. 이 예술 운동의 가장 독특한 특징은 아마도 빛과 색의 순간적인 효과를 이용하여 시각적 리얼리티를 정확하고 객관적으로 기록하려는 일부 화가들의 시도였다.

impressionist art: 인상주의 미술[예술]
glimpse: 대충 얼핏 봄
transient: 순간적인, 일시적인
painting: 회화, 회화 작품, 그림

정답: (c)
정답률 : 91.67%


2. Based on the given information, choose the option that best answers each question.
Ultraviolet (UV) light lies just beyond the range of what humans can see, but thanks to UV-sensitive equipment, it can still be studied by humans. UV light, which causes sunburn, travels in shorter waves and has more energy than visible light. Typically, younger stars tend to emit this more energetic frequency of light, whereas older stars emit more light in the visible spectrum. Measuring UV light, then, is one of the ways scientists can determine the age of a group of stars. Q: Which of the following is correct according to the passage?

  •  (a) UV light is undetectable by the naked human eye.
  •  (b) UV light travels in longer waves with weak energy.
  •  (c) Old stars tend to emit less visible light than young stars.
  •  (d) Measuring light is the sole way scientists can date stars.
첫 번째 문장에서 자외선이 인간이 볼 수 있는 범위 너머에 존재한다고 했으므로, 육안으로는 감지할 수 없다는 (a)가 글의 내용과 일치한다.
자외선은 인간이 볼 수 있는 범위 너머에 존재하지만, 자외선 감지 장비 덕분에 인간은 자외선을 연구할 수 있다. 햇볕으로 인한 화상을 야기하는 자외선은 가시광선보다 더 짧은 단파로 움직이며 에너지가 더 크다. 보통 연수가 짧은 별들이 이 더 활동적인 주파수의 빛을 방출하는 반면, 늙은 별들은 가시 범위 내의 빛을 더 많이 발산한다. 따라서 자외선 측정은 과학자들이 일단의 별들의 나이를 측정할 수 있는 한 방법이다.

emit: (액체, 빛, 열, 냄새 등을) 방출하다, 내뿜다, 발산하다
frequency: 주파수, 진동[수], 빈도
determine: (양, 위치 등을) 측정하다
undetectable: 감지할 수 없는
the naked human eye: 인간의 육안

정답: (a)
정답률 : 79.85%




'Language > TEPS' 카테고리의 다른 글

[Weekly TEPS] 03_July 18, 2022  (0) 2022.08.05
[Weekly TEPS] 02_July 25, 2022  (0) 2022.08.04

1.  What is it like to live as a foreigner in South Korea?


Going by the OECD's definition, a "multi-cultural society" is a country where more than five percent of its population are foreigners, second-generation immigrants, and naturalized citizens.
That term does not describe South Korea yet, but it likely will soon.
Our Song Yoo-jin went out to find more about what life in Korea is like for people from other cultures, and how they're being integrated into society.

Two million.
Accounting for almost 5 percent of the population, that's the number of foreign residents living in South Korea.
The figure had been steadily rising, but dropped during the pandemic.
Now, it's rebounding again and is expected to grow.

"In five years, the number of foreign residents will reach three million and in the long run, will make up 10 percent of the population.
Every year, South Korea's economically active population declines by 3-hundred to 5-hundred-thousand.
Attracting more foreigners will help solve this labor shortage and population decline."

But starting a new life in a brand new country isn't easy.
The biggest obstacles are language and social perception.

"I live in Dobong-gu and there a lot of people don't speak English."

"If I'm in the subway, all the people look at me like how she is a foreigner."

It's even harder if you're planning to stay long term.

"I've never seen a person who moved here because the Korean society is welcoming.
It's been really exclusive to foreigners as it has a long history of cultural, ethnic homogeneity."

"Then what kind of efforts are being made in South Korea to help foreign residents adapt to the country?

One of them is the justice ministry's Korea Immigration and Integration Program.
Designated institutions offer free classes to help foreigners become self-reliant members of society.

"The program has seven levels.
Korean language is taught from level zero to four and those who complete level four have no problem communicating in Korean.
Levels five and six teach Korean culture and society.
Students can apply for permanent residency after level five and naturalization after level six."

But there's still room for improvement.

"When I first came to Korea in the early 2000s, there were very few foreigners living here, so there were barely any relevant laws or policies.
It's been less than two decades since they started developing them, so right now, they're too complicated and all over the place."

To solve this, the government is pushing to launch an immigration agency.

"There's no single, designated body that's in charge of immigration and foreign resident-related affairs.
Installing an agency that's solely in charge will not only increase the efficiency of the immigration and visa process, but also help the country attract more foreign talent into the country."

With South Korea looking to become a more multi-cultural society, relevant efforts should be made to embrace and support those who come here.
Song Yoo-jin, Arirang News.

Reporter : yjsong@arirang.com

2. Gov't and DP clash over latest plans to cut income and corporation taxes


On the second day of the National Assembly's three-day questioning session of Yoon administration officials Tuesday, lawmakers zeroed in on officials from ministries related to economic affairs.
Administration officials and the opposition bloc clashed over proposed income and corporate tax cuts.
Lee Kyung-eun has the details.

Among the most hotly debated topics during the parliamentary hearing on economy-related ministries on Tuesday was the government's latest tax cut plans.
Prime Minister Han Duck-soo called them "inevitable" in order to keep South Korea's growth momentum.
His remarks came in response to criticism from the Democratic Party who said that tax cuts will lead to fewer welfare benefits for the general public.

"If you cut corporation taxes what will happen to public spending for the people who need it?"

"The government has no other option but to take action and reduce business tax burdens especially at a time of high interest and currency rate."

The PM added that tax cuts on corporations had always brought a "trickle down effect" in the country where the prosperity of big companies leads to the growth of small firms and, therefore, more jobs.

Also put under fire was the governmenet's plan to cut income taxes which the DP lawmakers claimed would only benefit the wealthy.
President Yoon's People Power Party gave the finance minister a chance to refute such claims.

"The taxation scheme is designed to bring relatively bigger tax cuts for those in the low to middle income brackets."

Regarding the easing of real estate taxes in a major reversal of the previous administration's policy the PM said it is the most ideal way to normalize the market.

"The key to the housing policy is making sure that homeowners don't become the public enemy.
And the direction should be increasing supply not reducing the demand through excessive taxes."

Despite cuts in tax revenues which some lawmakers raise concerns about the PM said the budget is all precisely calculated in a way that would enable the government to carry out its plans.

"The PM added one of the key top priorities is maintaining financial soundness.
While the national debt to GDP ratio is projected to hit 68 percent at the current pace, but the government's plan is to keep in at 55 percent.
Lee Kyung-eun, Arirang News. "

Reporter : kelee@arirang.com

1. Do you think that tax cut really leads "reduced welfare benefits" ? If so, What do you think about the reduced welfare benefits due to the tax cut? 


2. Have you ever heard of a country with many welfare benefits? 


3.  There is a debate about the billionaire tax in the United States.  Do you think a billionaire or millionaire tax should be introduced in Korea too?

"The Billionaire Minimum Income Tax will require America’s wealthiest households to pay as they go, just like everyone else:

The Billionaire Minimum Income Tax will ensure that the very wealthiest Americans pay a tax rate of at least 20 percent on their full income, including unrealized appreciation." 

(Referred from White House homepage.)


본 저작물은 아리랑 TV에서 2022년 작성하여 공공누리 제1유형으로 개방한

Life/Culture, Nat'l/Politics News(작성자: yjsong@arirang.com, kelee@arirang.com)을 이용하였으며,
해당 저작물은 'Arirang TV, https://www.arirang.com/index.asp'에서 무료로 다운받으실 수 있습니다.



Open to Debate 1(domestic topic)
Open to Debate 2(International topic)

additional Arirang TV(News)





Suggestions to the teacher


Open to Debate 1 (Revised Edition) : 70 Korean Issues Open to Dabate 2 (Revised Edition) : 70 International Issues
UNIT 01 Korea’s Greatest Hero
UNIT 02 Smart Phone Addiction
UNIT 03 An Evening of Pork, Rice & Soju
UNIT 04 Most Stressful Day of the Week?
UNIT 05 The Value of a Woman’s Work?
UNIT 06 Rising Obesity in Korea
UNIT 07 Plastic Surgery
UNIT 08 Subway Suicides
UNIT 09 Healthy Supplements
UNIT 10 Korean Special Days for Couples
UNIT 11 Are boys Better?
UNIT 12 TV: Good or Bad Influence?
UNIT 13 Foreign Car Ownership
UNIT 14 Gambling & Suicide
UNIT 15 English for kindergartners
UNIT 16 Life Expectancy
UNIT 17 Teenagers Smoking
UNIT 18 Traffic Accidents in Korea
UNIT 19 Adoption in Korea
UNIT 20 Business & Social Responsibility
UNIT 21 Planning for Retirement
UNIT 22 Conscientious Objectors
UNIT 22 Low Birth Rate
UNIT 24 Sexual Harassment
UNIT 25 Cleaning Up Dog Poop
UNIT 26 Studying Overseas
UNIT 27 Internet Etiquette
UNIT 28 Soju = The National Drink?
UNIT 29 Charitable Giving in Korea
UNIT 30 Dog Owners & Dog Meat
UNIT 31 Discrimination Based in Looks
UNIT 32 What Is Happiness?
UNIT 33 Spam Spam & More Spam!
UNIT 34 The Gender Gap in Korea
UNIT 35 US Troops in Korea
UNIT 36 Korean Elderly Living Alone
UNIT 37 The Physically Disabled in Korea
UNIT 38 Not in My Backyard (NIMBY)
UNIT 39 Do the Japanese Trust Koreans?
UNIT 40 Foreign Visitors to Korea
UNIT 41 20-Something Korean Women
UNIT 42 A Bounty on Fake Goods
UNIT 43 Taxes!
UNIT 44 Trouble at Work
UNIT 45 Divorce in Korea
UNIT 46 Indebtedness
UNIT 47 Pre-marital Sex
UNIT 48 The High Cost of Dying
UNIT 49 Yellow Dust
UNIT 50 Miss Korea: A Sexist Contest?
UNIT 51 College Admission for Sale?
UNIT 52 Adultery Law Abolished
UNIT 53 Sex Offenders: Punished Enough?
UNIT 54 Wasted Welfare?
UNIT 55 Prostitution in Korea
UNIT 56 Career Students
UNIT 57 Reduce Military Service?
UNIT 58 Labor Unions
UNIT 59 Organ Trafficking
UNIT 60 Delayed Marriage Registration
UNIT 61 Low Construction Standards
UNIT 62 Korean PhDs
UNIT 63 Childless Couples
UNIT 64 Avoiding Foreigners
UNIT 65 Transsexuals & Gender Registration
UNIT 66 Abolish the Death Penalty?
UNIT 67 How Transparent Is Korea?
UNIT 68 Benefits of the FTA
UNIT 69 Plagiarism in Korea
UNIT 70 North-South Reunification
UNIT 01 The Five Biggest Regrets before Death
UNIT 02 Dangerous Sports
UNIT 03 Internet Addiction
UNIT 04 Road Rage
UNIT 05 Frivolous Lawsuits
UNIT 06 Domestic Violence
UNIT 07 Cage-Free Eggs and Animal Welfare
UNIT 08 Wasted Food
UNIT 09 Social Networking Services
UNIT 10 Human Trafficking
UNIT 11 Excessive Police Violence against Minorities
UNIT 12 Bullfighting
UNIT 13 Gun Violence in America
UNIT 14 Wrongfully Imprisoned
UNIT 15 Breastfeeding in Public
UNIT 16 Sugar Daddies and Sugar Babies
UNIT 17 Legalization of Marijuana?
UNIT 18 The Blame for Internet Spam
UNIT 19 Same-Sex Marriage
UNIT 20 Transgender Restrooms
UNIT 21 Asian Americans: Facing Discrimination?
UNIT 22 Eating Live Animals
UNIT 23 Cruelty to Animals
UNIT 24 An Apology for Hiroshima?
UNIT 25 Fur Coats
UNIT 26 Discrimination against Muslims
UNIT 27 Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater?
UNIT 28 Finding Mr./Ms. Right
UNIT 29 Bullying in Public Schools
UNIT 30 The Death of Marriage?
UNIT 31 Wealthy Pastors: Truly Serving God?
UNIT 32 Proliferation of Drones
UNIT 33 Future Foods
UNIT 34 Grade Inflation
UNIT 35 Underpaid Actresses
UNIT 36 American Universities and Chinese Students
UNIT 37 Cosmetics for Men?
UNIT 38 The 40-Year-Old Virgin
UNIT 39 Secret Lottery Winners?
UNIT 40 Male and Female: Attitudes toward Sex
UNIT 41 Date Rape
UNIT 42 Sexting
UNIT 43 Cheating Students
UNIT 44 Nonstop Hacking
UNIT 45 Preserving the Rain Forest
UNIT 46 Drug Cartels
UNIT 47 Euthanasia
UNIT 48 Israel versus Palestine
UNIT 49 Democrats and Republicans
UNIT 50 Racial Equality in the U.S.
UNIT 51 Artificial Intelligence
UNIT 52 An Apology for Slavery?
UNIT 53 Climate Change
UNIT 54 The British Monarchy
UNIT 55 Climbing Mount Everest
UNIT 56 World Religions
UNIT 57 Scientology
UNIT 58 China versus the U.S.
UNIT 59 Illegal Immigration to the U.S.
UNIT 60 The Death Penalty
UNIT 61 Religious Veils in Public Places
UNIT 62 Women’s Rights in Saudi Arabia
UNIT 63 Indian Housewives: Shocking Rate of Suicide
UNIT 64 Addiction to Prescription Drugs
UNIT 65 Claiming the Arctic and Antarctic
UNIT 66 India versus Pakistan
UNIT 67 The Sunni and the Shia
UNIT 68 Chemical Weapons
UNIT 69 A Colony on Mars?
UNIT 70 National Foods




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