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6. TED 번역 활동을 하기 위한 TIP


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TED Translators are volunteers who subtitle TED Talks, and enable the inspiring ideas in them to crisscross languages and borders.


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TED 번역 봉사 신청서 작성


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1. TED 번역 봉사를 신청하는 이유

2. 번역하거나 받아쓰기 하려는 언어에 관련된 경험

3. TED Translators 프로그램에 대해 어떻게 알게 되었는지

About You

Please add your answers to each prompt below. Answers in English are preferred, but not required.

In a sentence or two, why do you want to subtitle for TED?
: I want to subtitle for TED because...
Give a brief description of your experience with the languages you wish to translate or transcribe.
: I am a native Swahili speaker who learned English at age 5...
How did you learn about the TED Translators program? Explain in one or two sentences.
: I heard about TED Translators from a friend...

TED 번역 봉사 퀴즈

퀴즈를 풀어 Submit Application 버튼 클릭해 제출하면 완료

Pop Quiz!

In this quiz, you'll be expected to answer questions about TED's subtitle workflow and guidelines. Before you begin, we suggest re-reading our guidelines and watching the getting started video above.


Should volunteers be fluent in their languages?

True or false: Translators should be fluent in both source and target languages. Transcribers should be fluent in the language they are transcribing.


What roles are available to new volunteers?

Subtitles go through several steps before publication. Select the roles that are available to new volunteers:

Transcribing TEDx talks

How many subtitled talks should you have published in order to be eligible as a reviewer?

Reviewers check subtitles for accuracy and technical style, and provide constructive feedback. Volunteers can begin reviewing once they have published subtitles on at least __.

3 talks
7 talks
10 talks
15 talks

How should sounds be subtitled?

Sound representation in subtitles enables the Deaf and Hard of Hearing to understand sound information. Please select the proper way to represent the sound of an audience’s laughter in a subtitle:


How long should each subtitle be shown on screen?

It is important to give viewers enough time to both read and comprehend subtitled text. How long should a subtitle remain on the screen?

Between 1 and 7 seconds
Between 2 and 10 seconds
Between 3 and 4 seconds
Between 3 and 8 seconds

How should on-screen text be transcribed?

On-screen text that appears on the speaker’s slides should be put in ___.

"Quotation marks"
[Square brackets]
{Curly Brackets}

For languages that use the Latin alphabet, what is the longest a subtitle line should be?

To ensure viewers can read subtitles comfortably, a subtitle should be broken into two lines when it is longer than __:

20 characters
32 characters
30 characters
42 characters

How should lines be broken up within a subtitle?

"Line-breaking" refers to choosing where to end a line or subtitle. Generally, break each line after a linguistic "unit", while keeping line lengths as even as possible. Select the correct example below.

I can speak three
modern Romance languages and read Latin pretty well.
I can speak three modern Romance languages
and read Latin pretty well.
I can speak three modern Romance
languages and read Latin pretty well.


Which of these subtitles are split correctly?

Select the two versions of subtitles that are split correctly:

which I learned in college.
Maria also believes that

gender is a social construct.
which I learned in college.

Maria also believes
that gender is a social construct.
Somehow, this worked really well
in Alex's garage. When you work

on something big,
you need to accept failure.
Somehow, this worked really well
in Alex's garage.

When you work on something big,
you need to accept failure.


What can a Language Coordinator help with?

Your community's Language Coordinator can support you with which of the following:

Answer your linguistic or translation questions.
Connect you with fellow translators in your language community.
Provide guidance on subtitling best practices.
Point you to your language's style guide.

Thank you for volunteering to subtitle for TED. We'll respond to your application within 5 business days.


TED 번역 활동을 하기 위한 TIP

새 TED 번역가들이 뭘 할 수 있을까?

신청서가 승인되면, 강연을 선택해서 내용을 글로 옮기거나 번역을 할 수 있음


1. 조금 짧은 강연부터 시작하기

숙련된 봉사자들로부터 더 빨리 피드백을 받을 수 있음


2. 번역 결과물 검토하기

자막 작업을 적어도 5번 이상 한 이후에

다른 번역가의 결과물을 검토해줄 수 있음


3. 자막 번역 인정받기

해당 언어 코디네이터가, 봉사자들이 검토한 자막을 확인함

그리고 자막을 승인해서 공개함

그러면 TED.com에서 자막 번역을 인정받게 됨

Translated by (My Name)





Free BTS concert in Busan faces snowballing concerns

BTS poses for picture at the act`s appointment ceremony as ambassadors of 2030 Busan World Expo on July 19, 2021. (Big Hit Music)

Voices of concern are mounting over a megasized BTS concert in Busan, as problems stemming from an influx of concertgoers remain unresolved ahead of the event’s launch in October.

On Oct. 15, under the title "BTS ‘Yet to Come’ in Busan," the K-pop septet will hold a concert in Gijang-gun of Busan as part of an effort to support the coastal city in its bid to host the 2030 World Expo. The seven members of BTS are honorary ambassadors of the 2030 Busan World Expo.

The event is expected to have an audience capacity of 110,000, making it the biggest single concert ever held in Busan. The main venue in Gijang-gun, accommodating 100,000 people, and a separate area for another 10,000 fans with a real-time broadcast of the gig will be arranged at the Busan Port International Passenger Terminal, around 36 kilometers south of the main venue.

This will mark the first live concert by BTS in South Korea since its Seoul concert in March and the first time the bandmates take to the stage together since they announced an official break to focus on solo activities in June.

But with the mounting excitement have come snowballing problems, as Busan braces itself for the unprecedented crowd.

One concern at hand is the skyrocketing prices of accommodation. On Aug. 24, when the concert date was announced, all the rooms in Gijang-gun and nearby areas instantly sold out, with room fees surging by up to 10 times their usual rates. Some hoteliers came under fire after canceling existing reservations to resell the rooms at higher prices.

The city of Busan has declared it will take action against such malpractice. In a meeting attended by related authorities on Aug. 30, Busan Mayor Park Hyeong-joon said the city will work with related organizations, such as the Fair Trade Commission, to look into the issue and map out necessary measures.


Poster of "BTS `Yet To Come` in Busan" concert set for Oct. 15, 2022. (Big Hit Music)

A lack of public infrastructure surrounding the concert site is also expected to lead to a slew of problems, including safety concerns for the audience.

Serious traffic confusion is one problem. The concert is set to take place at a temporary venue installed on unused land near the coast some 15 minutes by walk from Ilgwang Station, which will be the only means of public transportation. The mass of people will be walking from the station to the venue via a narrow two-lane road in a residential area, and no cars will be allowed at the site on the day.

The venue itself has also come under fire.

According to a map released by Big Hit on Tuesday, not only does the temporary building seem too small for 100,000 people to cram into, but there is only one gate going in and out from it. Most structures where concerts of such enormous size are held usually have multiple gates spread out around the building -- 54 gates in the case of 65,00-seat capacity Jamsil Sports Complex in Seoul and 22 gates at the 66,000-seat Seoul World Cup Stadium.

While the local government has announced various measures to ease confusion surrounding the venue, nothing has been confirmed for now, and whether such measures will be effective in preventing the havoc as some 110,000 fans move around the city remains doubtful.

The city said it plans to temporarily ramp up public transportation, adding extra subway trains and buses and requesting an increase in the number of high-speed trains and airplanes between Seoul and Busan. The government is also mulling operating cruise ships and speedboats between Busan Port and Gijang-gun.

BTS’ October concert will be the septet’s first promotional activity as ambassadors for the potential 2030 Busan World Expo. More related events are expected to take place in Busan the same month, including "2022 BTS Exhibition: Proof," about the group’s nine-year career, set to kick off on Oct. 5 at Haeundae LCT.

By Choi Ji-won (jwc@heraldcorp.com)




UNIT 68. Benefits of the FTA


Min-Soo: Emma, have you seen my new smart phone?


Emma: No, I haven't. Let me see it... . It looks very nice.


Min-Soo: It's a Samsung Galaxy with 4G LTE speed.


Emma: I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds impressive.


Min-Soo: Yeah, and it has an Android 4.4 KitKat operating system.

Android KitKat: 구글이 개발한 안드로이드 계열의 안드로이드 버전

Emma: You're losing me.


Min-Soo: With a Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 2.7GHz quad-core processor.

Qualcomm Snapdragon: 퀄컴에서 개발한 스마트폰, 태블릿, 스마트북 등을 위한 모바일 SoC

Emma: You're way over my head now!


Min-Soo: Oh, and Bluetooth 4.0 technology with a 5.7" Super AMOLED HD touch screen.


Emma: I should call you "Mr. High Tech," and I have to admit: Korea makes the best smart phones.


Exported products going to other countries.


Imported products coming to Korea.

The United States and the Republic of Korea signed the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement (KOORUS FTA) on June 30, 2007.


However, it took years of discussions before the agreement was approved by both legislatures and came into effect on March 15, 2012.


Over the years of discussion, numerous opponents in both Korea and the U.S. railed against the agreement, stating that it would have adverse effects on agriculture, automobiles, and other industries.


Of course, supporters claimed that the agreement would be beneficial to both countries.



The FTA has now been in effect for more than three years, so one may ask:


who has benefited the most from the agreement?


According to the Wall Street Journal, the clear winner has been Korea.


While bilateral trade between the two countries rose dramatically, the South Korean trade surplus with the U.S. only widened during this period.


The following statistics show Korea's trade surplus with the U.S. during the relevant years:


2011, 13.1 billion; 2012, 16.6 billion; 2013, 20.7 billion; 2014, 25.1 billion.


Also, during this period, Korea's exports to the U.S. grew faster than their exports to the rest of the world.


Korean opponents of the FTA had claimed that it would devastate the agricultural sector in Korea due to massive imports of American agriculture and livestock products.


These claims were proven to be groundless as Korea's imports of U.S. agriculture and livestock products dropped 20% while Korea's exports of the same type of product increased 20%.


What do you think?

(1) Why does Korea's trade surplus with the U.S. keep increasing?



(2) Should Korea sign more free trade agreements with other countries?



(3) What are your favorite made-in-Korea products?



(4) What American products do you like the most?



(5) What American products do you like the least?




1.  What is it like to live as a foreigner in South Korea?


Going by the OECD's definition, a "multi-cultural society" is a country where more than five percent of its population are foreigners, second-generation immigrants, and naturalized citizens.
That term does not describe South Korea yet, but it likely will soon.
Our Song Yoo-jin went out to find more about what life in Korea is like for people from other cultures, and how they're being integrated into society.

Two million.
Accounting for almost 5 percent of the population, that's the number of foreign residents living in South Korea.
The figure had been steadily rising, but dropped during the pandemic.
Now, it's rebounding again and is expected to grow.

"In five years, the number of foreign residents will reach three million and in the long run, will make up 10 percent of the population.
Every year, South Korea's economically active population declines by 3-hundred to 5-hundred-thousand.
Attracting more foreigners will help solve this labor shortage and population decline."

But starting a new life in a brand new country isn't easy.
The biggest obstacles are language and social perception.

"I live in Dobong-gu and there a lot of people don't speak English."

"If I'm in the subway, all the people look at me like how she is a foreigner."

It's even harder if you're planning to stay long term.

"I've never seen a person who moved here because the Korean society is welcoming.
It's been really exclusive to foreigners as it has a long history of cultural, ethnic homogeneity."

"Then what kind of efforts are being made in South Korea to help foreign residents adapt to the country?

One of them is the justice ministry's Korea Immigration and Integration Program.
Designated institutions offer free classes to help foreigners become self-reliant members of society.

"The program has seven levels.
Korean language is taught from level zero to four and those who complete level four have no problem communicating in Korean.
Levels five and six teach Korean culture and society.
Students can apply for permanent residency after level five and naturalization after level six."

But there's still room for improvement.

"When I first came to Korea in the early 2000s, there were very few foreigners living here, so there were barely any relevant laws or policies.
It's been less than two decades since they started developing them, so right now, they're too complicated and all over the place."

To solve this, the government is pushing to launch an immigration agency.

"There's no single, designated body that's in charge of immigration and foreign resident-related affairs.
Installing an agency that's solely in charge will not only increase the efficiency of the immigration and visa process, but also help the country attract more foreign talent into the country."

With South Korea looking to become a more multi-cultural society, relevant efforts should be made to embrace and support those who come here.
Song Yoo-jin, Arirang News.

Reporter : yjsong@arirang.com

2. Gov't and DP clash over latest plans to cut income and corporation taxes


On the second day of the National Assembly's three-day questioning session of Yoon administration officials Tuesday, lawmakers zeroed in on officials from ministries related to economic affairs.
Administration officials and the opposition bloc clashed over proposed income and corporate tax cuts.
Lee Kyung-eun has the details.

Among the most hotly debated topics during the parliamentary hearing on economy-related ministries on Tuesday was the government's latest tax cut plans.
Prime Minister Han Duck-soo called them "inevitable" in order to keep South Korea's growth momentum.
His remarks came in response to criticism from the Democratic Party who said that tax cuts will lead to fewer welfare benefits for the general public.

"If you cut corporation taxes what will happen to public spending for the people who need it?"

"The government has no other option but to take action and reduce business tax burdens especially at a time of high interest and currency rate."

The PM added that tax cuts on corporations had always brought a "trickle down effect" in the country where the prosperity of big companies leads to the growth of small firms and, therefore, more jobs.

Also put under fire was the governmenet's plan to cut income taxes which the DP lawmakers claimed would only benefit the wealthy.
President Yoon's People Power Party gave the finance minister a chance to refute such claims.

"The taxation scheme is designed to bring relatively bigger tax cuts for those in the low to middle income brackets."

Regarding the easing of real estate taxes in a major reversal of the previous administration's policy the PM said it is the most ideal way to normalize the market.

"The key to the housing policy is making sure that homeowners don't become the public enemy.
And the direction should be increasing supply not reducing the demand through excessive taxes."

Despite cuts in tax revenues which some lawmakers raise concerns about the PM said the budget is all precisely calculated in a way that would enable the government to carry out its plans.

"The PM added one of the key top priorities is maintaining financial soundness.
While the national debt to GDP ratio is projected to hit 68 percent at the current pace, but the government's plan is to keep in at 55 percent.
Lee Kyung-eun, Arirang News. "

Reporter : kelee@arirang.com

1. Do you think that tax cut really leads "reduced welfare benefits" ? If so, What do you think about the reduced welfare benefits due to the tax cut? 


2. Have you ever heard of a country with many welfare benefits? 


3.  There is a debate about the billionaire tax in the United States.  Do you think a billionaire or millionaire tax should be introduced in Korea too?

"The Billionaire Minimum Income Tax will require America’s wealthiest households to pay as they go, just like everyone else:

The Billionaire Minimum Income Tax will ensure that the very wealthiest Americans pay a tax rate of at least 20 percent on their full income, including unrealized appreciation." 

(Referred from White House homepage.)


본 저작물은 아리랑 TV에서 2022년 작성하여 공공누리 제1유형으로 개방한

Life/Culture, Nat'l/Politics News(작성자: yjsong@arirang.com, kelee@arirang.com)을 이용하였으며,
해당 저작물은 'Arirang TV, https://www.arirang.com/index.asp'에서 무료로 다운받으실 수 있습니다.



Open to Debate 1(domestic topic)
Open to Debate 2(International topic)

additional Arirang TV(News)





Suggestions to the teacher


Open to Debate 1 (Revised Edition) : 70 Korean Issues Open to Dabate 2 (Revised Edition) : 70 International Issues
UNIT 01 Korea’s Greatest Hero
UNIT 02 Smart Phone Addiction
UNIT 03 An Evening of Pork, Rice & Soju
UNIT 04 Most Stressful Day of the Week?
UNIT 05 The Value of a Woman’s Work?
UNIT 06 Rising Obesity in Korea
UNIT 07 Plastic Surgery
UNIT 08 Subway Suicides
UNIT 09 Healthy Supplements
UNIT 10 Korean Special Days for Couples
UNIT 11 Are boys Better?
UNIT 12 TV: Good or Bad Influence?
UNIT 13 Foreign Car Ownership
UNIT 14 Gambling & Suicide
UNIT 15 English for kindergartners
UNIT 16 Life Expectancy
UNIT 17 Teenagers Smoking
UNIT 18 Traffic Accidents in Korea
UNIT 19 Adoption in Korea
UNIT 20 Business & Social Responsibility
UNIT 21 Planning for Retirement
UNIT 22 Conscientious Objectors
UNIT 22 Low Birth Rate
UNIT 24 Sexual Harassment
UNIT 25 Cleaning Up Dog Poop
UNIT 26 Studying Overseas
UNIT 27 Internet Etiquette
UNIT 28 Soju = The National Drink?
UNIT 29 Charitable Giving in Korea
UNIT 30 Dog Owners & Dog Meat
UNIT 31 Discrimination Based in Looks
UNIT 32 What Is Happiness?
UNIT 33 Spam Spam & More Spam!
UNIT 34 The Gender Gap in Korea
UNIT 35 US Troops in Korea
UNIT 36 Korean Elderly Living Alone
UNIT 37 The Physically Disabled in Korea
UNIT 38 Not in My Backyard (NIMBY)
UNIT 39 Do the Japanese Trust Koreans?
UNIT 40 Foreign Visitors to Korea
UNIT 41 20-Something Korean Women
UNIT 42 A Bounty on Fake Goods
UNIT 43 Taxes!
UNIT 44 Trouble at Work
UNIT 45 Divorce in Korea
UNIT 46 Indebtedness
UNIT 47 Pre-marital Sex
UNIT 48 The High Cost of Dying
UNIT 49 Yellow Dust
UNIT 50 Miss Korea: A Sexist Contest?
UNIT 51 College Admission for Sale?
UNIT 52 Adultery Law Abolished
UNIT 53 Sex Offenders: Punished Enough?
UNIT 54 Wasted Welfare?
UNIT 55 Prostitution in Korea
UNIT 56 Career Students
UNIT 57 Reduce Military Service?
UNIT 58 Labor Unions
UNIT 59 Organ Trafficking
UNIT 60 Delayed Marriage Registration
UNIT 61 Low Construction Standards
UNIT 62 Korean PhDs
UNIT 63 Childless Couples
UNIT 64 Avoiding Foreigners
UNIT 65 Transsexuals & Gender Registration
UNIT 66 Abolish the Death Penalty?
UNIT 67 How Transparent Is Korea?
UNIT 68 Benefits of the FTA
UNIT 69 Plagiarism in Korea
UNIT 70 North-South Reunification
UNIT 01 The Five Biggest Regrets before Death
UNIT 02 Dangerous Sports
UNIT 03 Internet Addiction
UNIT 04 Road Rage
UNIT 05 Frivolous Lawsuits
UNIT 06 Domestic Violence
UNIT 07 Cage-Free Eggs and Animal Welfare
UNIT 08 Wasted Food
UNIT 09 Social Networking Services
UNIT 10 Human Trafficking
UNIT 11 Excessive Police Violence against Minorities
UNIT 12 Bullfighting
UNIT 13 Gun Violence in America
UNIT 14 Wrongfully Imprisoned
UNIT 15 Breastfeeding in Public
UNIT 16 Sugar Daddies and Sugar Babies
UNIT 17 Legalization of Marijuana?
UNIT 18 The Blame for Internet Spam
UNIT 19 Same-Sex Marriage
UNIT 20 Transgender Restrooms
UNIT 21 Asian Americans: Facing Discrimination?
UNIT 22 Eating Live Animals
UNIT 23 Cruelty to Animals
UNIT 24 An Apology for Hiroshima?
UNIT 25 Fur Coats
UNIT 26 Discrimination against Muslims
UNIT 27 Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater?
UNIT 28 Finding Mr./Ms. Right
UNIT 29 Bullying in Public Schools
UNIT 30 The Death of Marriage?
UNIT 31 Wealthy Pastors: Truly Serving God?
UNIT 32 Proliferation of Drones
UNIT 33 Future Foods
UNIT 34 Grade Inflation
UNIT 35 Underpaid Actresses
UNIT 36 American Universities and Chinese Students
UNIT 37 Cosmetics for Men?
UNIT 38 The 40-Year-Old Virgin
UNIT 39 Secret Lottery Winners?
UNIT 40 Male and Female: Attitudes toward Sex
UNIT 41 Date Rape
UNIT 42 Sexting
UNIT 43 Cheating Students
UNIT 44 Nonstop Hacking
UNIT 45 Preserving the Rain Forest
UNIT 46 Drug Cartels
UNIT 47 Euthanasia
UNIT 48 Israel versus Palestine
UNIT 49 Democrats and Republicans
UNIT 50 Racial Equality in the U.S.
UNIT 51 Artificial Intelligence
UNIT 52 An Apology for Slavery?
UNIT 53 Climate Change
UNIT 54 The British Monarchy
UNIT 55 Climbing Mount Everest
UNIT 56 World Religions
UNIT 57 Scientology
UNIT 58 China versus the U.S.
UNIT 59 Illegal Immigration to the U.S.
UNIT 60 The Death Penalty
UNIT 61 Religious Veils in Public Places
UNIT 62 Women’s Rights in Saudi Arabia
UNIT 63 Indian Housewives: Shocking Rate of Suicide
UNIT 64 Addiction to Prescription Drugs
UNIT 65 Claiming the Arctic and Antarctic
UNIT 66 India versus Pakistan
UNIT 67 The Sunni and the Shia
UNIT 68 Chemical Weapons
UNIT 69 A Colony on Mars?
UNIT 70 National Foods




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