1. TED 번역 봉사 지원 사이트
2. TED 번역 봉사 영상 시청
3. TED 번역 봉사 언어 설정
4. TED 번역 봉사 신청서 작성
5. TED 번역 봉사 퀴즈
6. TED 번역 활동을 하기 위한 TIP


TED 영상 자막 번역 봉사 지원하기!

TED 번역 봉사 지원 방법


TED 번역 봉사 지원 사이트

하단 사이트에 접속하여, Apply now 선택




TED Translators are volunteers who subtitle TED Talks, and enable the inspiring ideas in them to crisscross languages and borders.


TED 번역 봉사 영상 시청

자원봉사 번역가들이 지켜야 할 유의 사항 안내



1. 자막은 쉽게 읽을 수 있어야 함

화면에 나오는 텍스트를 읽고, 강연자가 말하는 것을 이해할 충분한 시간이 있어야 함


2. 자막이 두 줄을 넘어가면 안됨

자막이 21자를 넘어간다면, 두 줄로 나누기


3. 자막이 화면에 1초 이상 보이도록 하기


4. 단어 중간에서 두 개의 자막으로 자르지 않기

시각적으로 보기 불편함


5. 소리 정보는 소괄호를 사용

(e.g. (고양이 울음소리), (개 짖는 소리), (레이저 쏘는 소리))


6. 화면의 텍스트는 대괄호에 넣기


TED 번역 봉사 언어 설정

번역이 가능한 언어 모두 선택

Translate: 번역 / Transdescribe: 받아쓰기


Basic - Intermediate - Advanced - Near native / fluent - Native

하위 세 단계(fluent 미만)의 경우, 번역 지원 불가

Sorry, you are not qualified to subtitle/translate. Your skill level with the languages you listed is too low.

TED 번역 봉사 신청서 작성


질문에 대한 답변은 1-2문장으로 간략하게 작성하기


1. TED 번역 봉사를 신청하는 이유

2. 번역하거나 받아쓰기 하려는 언어에 관련된 경험

3. TED Translators 프로그램에 대해 어떻게 알게 되었는지

About You

Please add your answers to each prompt below. Answers in English are preferred, but not required.

In a sentence or two, why do you want to subtitle for TED?
: I want to subtitle for TED because...
Give a brief description of your experience with the languages you wish to translate or transcribe.
: I am a native Swahili speaker who learned English at age 5...
How did you learn about the TED Translators program? Explain in one or two sentences.
: I heard about TED Translators from a friend...

TED 번역 봉사 퀴즈

퀴즈를 풀어 Submit Application 버튼 클릭해 제출하면 완료

Pop Quiz!

In this quiz, you'll be expected to answer questions about TED's subtitle workflow and guidelines. Before you begin, we suggest re-reading our guidelines and watching the getting started video above.


Should volunteers be fluent in their languages?

True or false: Translators should be fluent in both source and target languages. Transcribers should be fluent in the language they are transcribing.


What roles are available to new volunteers?

Subtitles go through several steps before publication. Select the roles that are available to new volunteers:

Transcribing TEDx talks

How many subtitled talks should you have published in order to be eligible as a reviewer?

Reviewers check subtitles for accuracy and technical style, and provide constructive feedback. Volunteers can begin reviewing once they have published subtitles on at least __.

3 talks
7 talks
10 talks
15 talks

How should sounds be subtitled?

Sound representation in subtitles enables the Deaf and Hard of Hearing to understand sound information. Please select the proper way to represent the sound of an audience’s laughter in a subtitle:


How long should each subtitle be shown on screen?

It is important to give viewers enough time to both read and comprehend subtitled text. How long should a subtitle remain on the screen?

Between 1 and 7 seconds
Between 2 and 10 seconds
Between 3 and 4 seconds
Between 3 and 8 seconds

How should on-screen text be transcribed?

On-screen text that appears on the speaker’s slides should be put in ___.

"Quotation marks"
[Square brackets]
{Curly Brackets}

For languages that use the Latin alphabet, what is the longest a subtitle line should be?

To ensure viewers can read subtitles comfortably, a subtitle should be broken into two lines when it is longer than __:

20 characters
32 characters
30 characters
42 characters

How should lines be broken up within a subtitle?

"Line-breaking" refers to choosing where to end a line or subtitle. Generally, break each line after a linguistic "unit", while keeping line lengths as even as possible. Select the correct example below.

I can speak three
modern Romance languages and read Latin pretty well.
I can speak three modern Romance languages
and read Latin pretty well.
I can speak three modern Romance
languages and read Latin pretty well.


Which of these subtitles are split correctly?

Select the two versions of subtitles that are split correctly:

which I learned in college.
Maria also believes that

gender is a social construct.
which I learned in college.

Maria also believes
that gender is a social construct.
Somehow, this worked really well
in Alex's garage. When you work

on something big,
you need to accept failure.
Somehow, this worked really well
in Alex's garage.

When you work on something big,
you need to accept failure.


What can a Language Coordinator help with?

Your community's Language Coordinator can support you with which of the following:

Answer your linguistic or translation questions.
Connect you with fellow translators in your language community.
Provide guidance on subtitling best practices.
Point you to your language's style guide.

Thank you for volunteering to subtitle for TED. We'll respond to your application within 5 business days.


TED 번역 활동을 하기 위한 TIP

새 TED 번역가들이 뭘 할 수 있을까?

신청서가 승인되면, 강연을 선택해서 내용을 글로 옮기거나 번역을 할 수 있음


1. 조금 짧은 강연부터 시작하기

숙련된 봉사자들로부터 더 빨리 피드백을 받을 수 있음


2. 번역 결과물 검토하기

자막 작업을 적어도 5번 이상 한 이후에

다른 번역가의 결과물을 검토해줄 수 있음


3. 자막 번역 인정받기

해당 언어 코디네이터가, 봉사자들이 검토한 자막을 확인함

그리고 자막을 승인해서 공개함

그러면 TED.com에서 자막 번역을 인정받게 됨

Translated by (My Name)





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